Littlewood Wiki
Looking for shiny ores to collect? Interested in rare materials for crafting? Then mining is for you!

Mining is one of the activities in Littlewood. Mining requires the use of a Pickaxe.

Tools[ | ]

Tool Description
Novice Pickaxe Item Novice Pickaxe I can mine ore deposits.
Silver Pickaxe Item Silver Pickaxe 5% chance to not consume energy when mining ore.
Golden Pickaxe Item Golden Pickaxe 50% chance of obtaining an extra ore when mining

Resources from mining[ | ]

Types of ore[ | ]

Dust Item Dust
Dirt Item Dirt
Stone Item Stone
Magicite Item Magicite
Orichalcum Item Orichalcum
Wyvernite Item Wyvernite
Dragalium Item Dragalium
Dragon Fossil Item Dragon Fossil

Unlocking Additional Ore Types in Town[ | ]

When you first start your town you have access to several ore deposits that can be mined down once you acquire an Novice Pickaxe Item Novice Pickaxe. Mining these ore deposits will clear them permanently. Eventually Ash will give you a recipe to build a Quarry, allowing you to have regenerating ore deposits.

Once you have unlocked the Port City Deluca's Auction House the player can buy two stones: Moonstone Object Moonstone and the Sunstone Object Sunstone. Placing these within your Town enables Wyvernite Deposits and Dragalium Deposits to be able to spawn at the Quarry. From these you can harvest Wyvernite Item Wyvernite and Dragalium Item Dragalium to make Moonlight Orb Item Moonlight Orb and Sunlight Orb Item Sunlight Orb respectively.

Experience from Mining[ | ]

Each time the User completes a mining action they gain experience (EXP) towards the Hobby. This can be boosted by the bonuses provided by the Nutty Cocoa from the Coffee Shop. Bonus Items have no impact on experience gained.

Tree Type Normal EXP Nutty Cocoa EXP Nutty Cocoa (3 Star) EXP Nutty Cocoa (6 Star) EXP
Stone Deposit Object Stone Deposit (All Levels) +1 Mining EXP +2 Mining EXP +3 Mining EXP +4 Mining EXP
Magicite Deposit Object Magicite Deposit (All Levels) +2 Mining EXP +3 Mining EXP +4 Mining EXP +5 Mining EXP
Orichalcum Deposit Object Orichalcum Deposit (All Levels) +3 Mining EXP +4 Mining EXP +5 Mining EXP +6 Mining EXP
Wyvernite Deposit Object Wyvernite Deposit (All Levels) +4 Mining EXP +5 Mining EXP +6 Mining EXP +7 Mining EXP
Dragalium Deposit Object Dragalium Deposit (All Levels) +4 Mining EXP +5 Mining EXP +6 Mining EXP +7 Mining EXP

Experience table[ | ]

The following is the experience needed for each level of this hobby.

Lvl XP Total
2 10 10
3 10 20
4 11 31
5 11 42
6 11 53
7 12 65
8 12 77
9 12 89
10 13 102
11 21 123
12 21 144
13 22 166
14 22 188
15 22 210
16 23 233
17 23 256
18 23 279
19 24 303
20 24 327
21 32 359
22 33 392
23 33 425
24 33 458
25 34 492
26 34 526
27 34 560
28 35 595
29 35 630
30 35 665
31 44 709
32 44 753
33 44 797
34 45 842
35 45 887
36 45 932
37 46 978
38 46 1024
39 46 1070
40 47 1117
41 55 1172
42 55 1227
43 56 1283
44 56 1339
45 56 1395
46 57 1452
47 57 1509
48 57 1566
49 58 1624
50 58 1682
51 67 1749
52 69 1818
53 70 1888
54 71 1959
55 73 2032
56 74 2106
57 75 2181
58 77 2258
59 78 2336
60 79 2415
61 89 2504
62 90 2594
63 91 2685
64 93 2778
65 94 2872
66 95 2967
67 97 3064
68 98 3162
69 99 3261
70 101 3362
71 110 3472
72 111 3583
73 113 3696
74 114 3810
75 115 3925
76 118 4043
77 120 4163
78 122 4285
79 125 4410
80 127 4537
81 137 4674
82 140 4814
83 142 4956
84 144 5100
85 147 5247
86 149 5396
87 151 5547
88 154 5701
89 156 5857
90 158 6015
91 179 6194
92 191 6385
93 203 6588
94 216 6804
95 228 7032
96 240 7272
97 253 7525
98 265 7790
99 277 8067

Personal Goals[ | ]

Mining is used in the following Personal Goals.

  • The eighth Personal Goal requires You to mine any 10 ores while hanging out with Ash.
  • The ninth Personal Goal requires You to achieve level 25 Mining.
  • The twenty-fourth Personal Goal requires You to achieve level 50 Mining.

Gallery[ | ]

Version history[ | ]

There is no recorded version history.
